Marketing isn’t your expertise, it’s mine!

I’ll help you grow your business using the power of marketing so that you can finally say goodbye to slow & inconsistent growth inside of your business.


The truth is, you won't reach the next level alone.

You've taken the leap into running your own business, but now you find yourself in the inevitable "messy middle" stage...

(you know, that stage where you are "flying by the seat of your pants" when it comes to strategic growth)

Your problem isn't a lack of clarity or absence of motivation...

Your problem is that you don't have a comprehensive Marketing Plan that puts your brand in front of your dream clients, exactly when they need you most.

Innovative, Time-Honoured & Results-Driven.

Visionary Marketing Coaching is NOT a one-size-fits-all formula.

If that's what you're looking for, there are $10 templates that you can purchase from Pinterest or from Instagram.

(& let's be honest, if those templates really worked wouldn't everybody be using them?)

Our approach to creating a Marketing Plan for your business is rooted in the following Principles...

  • Innovative - You don't need someone to re-iterate the obvious to you (ex: establish a social media presence, grow your email list, understand the consumer purchasing cycle, etc.). Instead, you need a big idea for your next Marketing Campaign that will generate massive momentum in your growth. To lead the way, you need an original idea.

  • Time-Honoured - The way in which we implement Marketing Strategies is always changing, yet the core principles of what works has stayed the same for 100's of years. Things like Strategic Partnerships, Direct Response Marketing & Word-Of-Mouth are pillars that often go overlooked, yet they account for more than 75% of your growth. Let's make sure you've mastered the time-honoured principles that will ensure longevity in your strategy.

  • Results-Driven - We're in this, together. In our first session we'll do a comprehensive intake to determine your goals for the coming months, and then we will diligently track our progress to ensure that all of your metrics are being met. Our currency is your testimonial, so you better believe we don't stop until you're satisfied.

Joining pre-requisites.

  • Your business already generates between $30,000 & $150,000 and you're looking to push past your current revenue
  • You are driven, motivated & unafraid to take action
  • You've already got your social media, email marketing, website, landing pages & basic online marketing systems set up


  • Unwavering desire to help more dream clients and to impact 100's and 1000's of lives
  • Open to experimentation with new marketing strategies
  • True passion for the product or service that you sell

Meet your new C.M.O.

(AKA your Stand-In Chief Marketing Officer)

Hey, I’m Kelsey.

My passion for marketing has helped hundreds of business owners to grow revenue inside their business while simplifying their marketing strategy as well.

Will you be our next success story?

I offer Private 1:1 Marketing Coaching because I know that what you need is NOT another "One-Size-Fits-All Course" or Generic Marketing Formula. You've tried that, and it simply did not work.

What you actually need is someone who is dedicated to creating strategy, tracking growth and making adjustments to your marketing plan for predictable growth. Oh hey, that's me! 👋

When I'm not studying Marketing, I'm also an avid cyclist, a coffee addict (espresso, please!) and can often be found paddling the river with my husband or snuggling our rescue pup.

Apply for Coaching

Learn how to optimize your marketing strategy for success.

You've taken the leap into running your own business, but now you find yourself in the inevitable "messy middle" stage...

(you know, that stage where you are "flying by the seat of your pants" when it comes to strategic growth)

Your problem isn't a lack of clarity or absence of motivation...

Your problem is that you don't have a comprehensive Marketing Plan that puts your brand in front of your dream clients, exactly when they need you most.

I offer Private Marketing Coaching & Weekly Marketing Mentorship for Small Businesses & Personal Brands who want to grow their business by securing More Clients, More Revenue & More Lead Generation.

Are you a good fit for Private Marketing Coaching?

Visionary Marketing Coaching™ is perfect for those of you who...

  • Need more clients in order to stay in business or find more success in the immediate future
  • Want more consistency in generating new leads for your business
  • Are not looking for a "quick fix" but rather to understand the principles of Marketing Mastery so that you can apply them for years to come
  • Feel like your Marketing Strategy is a total mess (or non-existent) right now
  • Ready to devote the time, energy & effort to becoming the Marketer you're capable of being, for your business.

Our clients have successfully...

  • Planned and executed $10,000.00 launches
  • Launched programs that sold-out in a matter of hours
  • Created social media strategies that convert followers into paying customers, through our Visionary Marketing Formula
  • Grown Facebook Groups from 0 to 15,000 members in a matter of months
  • Replaced their full-time income and quit their jobs to pursue their business full-time in a matter of months
  • Found multiple clients hiding in their existing networks using our Visionary Relationships Framework

These are all possible for you too, when you dedicate time and energy to your marketing strategy.

Apply for Coaching

Client Success Stories

Upon entering my 5th year of running my business, I felt like I had hit a plateau on how to scale and communicate with new potential clients. I threw every idea at the wall to see what would stick and ended up doing tasks and tapping into channels at a fraction of their potential.

Enter Kelsey!

Working with Kelsey was an incredible experience that I only wish I did sooner!

Her knowledge and experience clearly showed as I hosted a sold-out launch (in 2 hours, to be exact!) to my season's programs, introducing 40 news clients to my services.

I am also well underway to building the next chapter of my business with a clear direction on the steps and timeline.

- Charlotte Batty
Founder of Minii Adventures
Private Client, 2021

Melissa found our program through a Google Search and after meeting with several online marketers, she chose to work with Kelsey and join TVM™.

She was just starting out in the online world, and had no clue how to create her business & promote her accounting services online. 

Melissa signed up for coaching, and by the 8th week had signed her first client! 

Today, Melissa runs a thriving online business and has been published in numerous media outlets, and even has her own columns in Forbes & Entrepreneur. She also launched the "Think Like a CFO Podcast" which helps women sort out their Personal & Business Finances.

She's even coached some of our visionary community members!

- Melisssa Houston
Financial Expert & CPA
Private Client in 2019

Jennifer came to Kelsey to develop a comprehensive marketing plan for her business.

After 3 months, she was seeing massive results...

  • We grew a Facebook Group from Zero (June 2020) to 11,000 people (Sept 2020) so that we could gather her Dream Clients in one place & generate more brand awareness.
  • Through the creation of a new, relevant lead magnet we added 9,000 people to her email list (which brought her up to over 13,000 subscribers)
  • During the 2 week promotional campaign, she sold $11,000 CAD in products

& she will repeat this promotional cycle 2x yearly to continue with this momentum!

- Jennifer
Founder of a paper planner company
Private client 2019-2020

Get the Personalized Coaching YOU need to keep up with your competition!

You'll work with me to debug your marketing plan and figure out what's working - and what isn't.

If you need help with any of the following Marketing Techniques, I’m here for you!

& if you have no clue where to begin or what to focus on, I’m here for you too!

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Gaining More Visibility
  • Accelerating your Online Business Growth
    Deepening Relationships
  • Email Newsletters & List-Building
  • Lead Generation
  • Website Conversions
  • Referral and Word-Of-Mouth
  • Marketing Campaign Creation and Execution
  • Content Creation Simplification

    & much more

Apply today for Private Marketing Coaching.

You can try to figure-it-all-out on your own time or you can fast-track your success with intensive coaching!

Here's what's included when you're a 1:1 private client.

  • 1 x 60-Minute Private Assessment Call

During this 60-minute bonus call, we’ll get to the bottom of your business aspirations: who you want to work with, how you want to help them, what your revenue targets are, and any anticipated roadblocks we might encounter.

I’ll also introduce you to our private visionary progress tracking tool, which manages all of our action items and keeps you accountable with due dates and weekly homework.

  • 10 x 45-Minute Private Coaching Calls (weekly or bi-weekly)

We meet weekly or bi-weekly via Zoom and you have my full, undivided attention on your business growth.

Each session is 100% customized to help you reach your goals. We spend the first 10 minutes reviewing the work that you completed from the previous week, and then we’ll create 5 to 10 action items and a list of income generating activities that you’re responsible for working on.

You will leave each meeting with a specific plan, alongside set due dates!

  • Lifetime Access to ALL Course Materials (yes, you read that right!!)

You know how some coaching programs give you access for a limited-time only? Well we think that’s totally unfair. Each student works through our material at a different pace, which is why I am gifting you with lifetime access to our continuously updated materials and to our weekly group calls.

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Each Wednesday the entire Visionary Community meets on Zoom for a business training, marketing workshop or to hear from a guest expert! Our students look forward to this fresh content & chance to hang out with your fellow visionaries.

  • Unlimited Support Between Sessions

Ask me questions and have me review your work between our sessions. I check in on our project management software every day, Monday through Friday, so that I can stay up-to-date on your continued progress.

  • Bonus Gift

You’re worth it, visionary! This is a gift that will be sent to you upon completion of our coaching.

Price = Starts at $499.00/month OR 1x payment of $5988.00 CAD

If you are looking to have multiple Team Members on the coaching call and/or would like to include colleagues and contractors inside of our Marketing transformation, there is an additional fee ($500 / member) so that I can project-manage them, engage with them, answer everyone's questions between sessions, etc.